If you’re in need of support with finding or securing suitable rental housing, DCA has several options that can help:
1. You can try using this site, Georgia Housing Search, including the call center 1-877-428-8844, that can help identify resources to help you find and secure rental housing.
2. f you have particular hurdles to obtaining rental housing and would like to speak with someone in detail about how to overcome them, you can reach out to our Housing Counseling team and identify your request and the county in which you’re located and they will respond and/or connect you with an organization serving your area. Find your local housing counseling agency here or contact Jamilla.byrd@dca.ga.gov to be connected with a housing counseling agency.
3. If you have a Housing Choice Voucher or are on our waitlist and have questions about your eligibility and leasing with this program, you can contact housingchoicevoucher@dca.ga.gov or (470) 802-4707.
- If you’d like to get in touch with your specific housing specialist, you can find here which specialist serves you based on the alphabetical order of your name.
4. If you’re at risk of being evicted, The Eviction Prevention Program (EPI) accepts applications through the following agencies: Georgia Legal Services https://www.glsp.org/ and Atlanta Legal Aid https://atlantalegalaid.org/rental-assistance/. Funding for these programs is limited however, so we also encourage you to reach out to your local United Way https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/georgia# and Metro Atlanta resources here: https://www.unitedwayatlanta.org/.
- If you are in the Atlanta metro and need a secure place for your pet while facing an eviction, you can consider https://pawsbetweenhomes.org/.
5. If you live in a property financed by DCA (i.e. a low-income housing tax credit) and you have concerns about the property, you can contact compliance@dca.ga.gov with your concern.