DCA provides funding for organizations and local governments to serve their residents; as such, DCA offers little to no direct assistance to individuals. However, we can connect you with relevant organizations and local partners, many of which receive DCA funding, that might be able to help assist you.
If you’re experiencing or at risk of homelessness, Coordinated Entry can help identify resources to support you.
- If you are a victim of domestic violence: For 24-hour confidential assistance, call 1-800-334-2836 or 1-800-799-SAFE (Spanish: 770-479-1703). Additional information is available at https://www.gcadv.org.
1. Contact your local coordinated entry provider to begin your assessment and get connected with resources.
- These organizations have access to DCA funding (i.e. Emergency Solutions Grants, Continuum of Care funding, others) that is used to help address homelessness and provide shelter or stable housing options.
- Most of DCA’s resources go to these community-based organizations who provide direct case management and service to individuals experiencing homelessness. We do not have funds to provide direct service ourselves.
- There are 8 CoC’s in the state that serves local areas. Continuum of Care contacts listed by county, and a link to an interactive map where you can identify local homeless services access points can be found at https://dca.georgia.gov/affordable-housing/homelessness-assistance/georgia-balance-state-continuum-care/i-am-homeless-and.
2. Find emergency shelter immediately if it’s in your county, https://georgia-dca.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=1d28c562b3ba4390a66640db23f713fe (note: most of these organizations also work with coordinated entry).
3. If you are already working with coordinated entry and still want to explore other options for assistance, DCA put together a list of additional resources that we know are serving certain parts of the state. These organizations could help you in addition to our coordinated entry providers, though we not endorse any of these organizations and are not held liable for their actions or service.