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Special Needs Populations

How to use this site:

To search for Special Needs housing, the system offers two options:

  1. On the Homepage, select "FIND HOUSING" or "FIND A PLACE TO RENT"
  2. Select a metropolitan area, city or county to search; some special housing features can be found through the Advanced and Accessible tabs located at the top of the search criteria window. Choose the features that are most important to you and select "Click Here to Search" at the bottom of the page. Go to Step 3.
  3. Select an address for a detailed view of that property. You must contact the property owner or manager directly to lease the unit or for additional information.

IMPORTANT: Listing results are automatically displayed from highest to lowest rent. You may re-sort by changing the filters located at the top of your results screen.


Work with a registered Service Provider to gain access to the Special Needs Housing Search feature. The Special Needs Housing Search feature assists caseworkers in locating housing for traditionally hard-to-place clients; specifically:

The list of Service Providers can be found here.